Monday, October 26, 2009

Cometry of tomorrow match

Click here for the winning moments of the match
Hope you have had loads of fun following our coverage for this series opener. This series promises to be a real humdinger, don't you dare miss out on a single bit of action. Until we meet next time for the second ODI, it's me - Shirshendu Roy alongwith my co-commentators, Mayank Wadhi and Srivathsa, wishing you good luck. Adios...
Mike Hussey, the Man of the Match: Not sure whether I made it look easy. It was a good pitch to bat on and the outfield is really quick. The conditions are generally good for batting in India, the crowd was superb, it was enjoyable.
Ponting: I'm quite happy with our performance and I congratulate India for their fighting efforts, unfortunately for them, they couldn't cross the line. I asked Siddle to stay calm, that worked.
Dhoni: We lost too many wickets in the batting powerplay, thanks to Bhajji and Praveen, we fought back and came this close. I think we can do a lot better on the bowling front and the batsmen should contribute more too. There will be ups and downs in a 7 match ODI series, that is what you expect when the top two teams are playing at this level.
Cut-throat competition in the field comes to an end finally. The Australians have prevailed in this closely fought battle. The Indians had lost all their hopes when they were seven down and it took some mind-boggling batting from Harbhajan Singh and Praveen Kumar to bring India to sniffing distance from victory. 84 runs stand between the duo left Australia gasping for breath and it was never over and finally the last delivery decided the fate of this contest. Well, friends, this indeed has been a rivetting contest and if these are signs to go by, we are all in for a fascinating ODI series. The start has been eventful, let's see how the rest goes. Till you wait for the presentation to begin, keep racking your brains to find out what the turning point was? Praveen Kumar missing out on a boundary ball off the very first delivery of the last over or was it Harbhajan Singh's dismissal? Keep thinking!
Australia win by 4 runs
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Siddle to Nehra, 1 run, driven hard down the ground for a single only, the Australians prevail despite the scare given by Harbhajan Singh and Praveen Kumar!
Six off the last ball, can Nehra do it for India?
Siddle to Praveen Kumar, 1 run, Siddle fires in the yorker and Praveen Kumar clips it to mid wicket for a single, all eyes on Nehra now!
Siddle to Praveen Kumar, no run, very full and driven hard, good stop by Siddle, Yuvi puts his hands up on the head, this is getting all the more tighter
Siddle to Nehra, 1 run, right up there in the blockhole, Nehra gets an inside edge onto the pads, enough for a single, importantly for India, Praveen Kumar comes on strike now
Ashish Nehra comes in now, Bhajji has a word with him
Siddle to Harbhajan, leg byes, no run, out Bowled!! The turbanator has left without completing his job, Siddle kept it straight and on the stumps, Harbhajan swings across the line to only see his off stump shattered, Harbhajan is gone now, the Indian balcony is disappointed. Harbhajan b Siddle 49(31) [4s-4 6s-3]
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Siddle to Harbhajan, THATS OUT!! Bowled!!

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Noodlles:lol...poor Divya
Rajni2703:Kakaeshwar Ji :-)
SakatHotMaga:is tensach from the same state as General Admiral Air Marshal Lalit Modi ji?
LordOfDCric:@vicky ji can :) :)
Noodlles:Sane your 'working day' coming to an end??? 9 to 5.30 chatting?? :)
moo:3 mins it was
saneindian:TA nagpur ground hasnt hosted an ODI yet :) wonder on what basis you are saying this is a batting wicket or blah blah :)
Rajni2703:TA ..howcome u stopped ur Anti MSD posts ??
tensach:divya removed, hope HE now understands moderator performance
vicky64:LoDC: uttappa a cab driver?
moo:TA tell harby and pk that
SakatHotMaga:abe saale matlab pyar se saaleshwar ji.
saneindian:lol mr double L you have been caught..stop impersonating someone
Noodlles:Sane because of 18 hour chatting you seem to have thick specks........I think tensach as well as I explained why 0 becomes O or l becomes LL
divya_:mo pls dont talk to me you are sick person
moo:rajni when raw pace is here why do you hide? why is it always me that has to boo him off
vicky64:divya_: can you please move on and stop this crap?
techAnalyst:more batting friendly....more it favours AUS's.. as they have more powerhitters...


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